by Tryna Giordano Cooper | Jun 30, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
We just started a new book on Quantum Leap Book Club. It is Mindfulness by Tessa Watt. This book is a practical guide to learning how to become mindful and understanding the benefits that mindfulness has on the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. What I really like...
by Rosemarie Heyer | Jun 30, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
related to Chapter 1 Introduction, Myths and misconceptions in the book MINDFULNESS – A PRACTICAL GUIDE “The Truth is simple, mind makes things complicated” Grandmother PaRisHa The distinction between classical meditation and...
by Tryna Giordano Cooper | Jun 17, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
Image by Ivilin Stoyanov from Pixabay I have been thinking about what stood out for me from the book Inside The Earth – The Second Tunnel by Radu Cinemar and there are several things that come to mind. First, Radu gave the us the information that this is based on true...
by Geraldene Dalby-Ball | Jun 10, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
Chapter 4 Apellos the crystal city give us a glimpse into another of the inner earths cities this one accessed from Tomasita but actually much closer to the earths crust being only 1500 m below.We are taken on a fantastic journey in the capsule and our first...
by Veronica West | Jun 4, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
Everything you could ever want and dream of exists in a quantum field of potentiality. Parisha Taylor tells us that the quantum field holds the reality of you having Health, Wealth and Happiness. These are, she says, your God Given Birth Rights; they exist in...