by Tryna Giordano Cooper | May 14, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
Have you ever traveled, especially outside the country you live in, and found yourself standing high on a hill or a mountain looking over the vast landscape or valley in front of you? Have you ever stood there and wondered about the people or what life is like in this...
by Rosemarie Heyer | May 13, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
Related to pages 120 to 123 in the book INSIDE THE EARTH Radu steps on the rock platform at a mountain. He sees a large valley, a sea at the horizon, a cloudy luminous sky and a large inhabited city under him. It is not the beauty and the peculiar energy that brings...
by Joyce Mollenhauer | May 13, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
The May 12 discussion by the cohosts of Quantum Leap Book Club of pages 115 to 127 of the book “Inside the Earth” by Radu Cinemar involved Radu’s report of his initial exposure to travelling inside the earth. He learned that time and space are not measured or...
by | May 13, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
Remember last week when we finished up on page 114, one of the last points that we highlighted was that leaders should not be setting their countries’ strategies using limited, materialistic thinking, when the scope is so much greater. Radu goes on to explain that...
by Veronica West | May 12, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
Symbols allow an open communication. Symbols facilitate the observer’s interpretation and recognise the uniqueness not only of every person but of every moment. Symbols are expansive where words can narrow and limit the message. Beyond culture, time, race, religion,...