Working With the Field

This week we are answering questions on the recent books that we have covered and a common question that seems to come up is , ” Why aren’t things happening the way I want if i am doing the work. ”  And i can definitely relate to the question because...

Survival of the Fittest.

Survival Of the Fittest. I am sure we have all heard this saying before.  So, what does it mean?  Well at first glance we all know that in the animal kingdom the fastest and most fit is the one that survives from being some other animal’s meal for the day. But what...

Manage your Chimp

In this section he outlines a 3 step approach to manage an emotional chimp. 1. Exercise the chimp And what he means by this is allowing the chimp to express some emotion. Allowing your emotions to be expressed constructively out loud can be helpful. 2. Box the chimp...

Why is this happening to me again.

This is a question that a lot of people find themselves asking quite often. Sometimes we find ourselves in repetitive patterns that despite how much work we think we have done ourselves we find ourselves in that similar scenario and reaction that we did not want to do...