In understanding the nature of reality, we need to consider the limits of the tools we are using to do the considering. Just like the picture of the two hands drawing itself, we are left wondering where did it all begin. We are programmed in our thinking – firstly through gestation – in our mothers womb – and then after birth by the myriad of experiences and influences. We are taught language and the labelling and naming of things. We are programmed just like the software of a computer. This software has a particular program – so to observe and see beyond what it is programmed to would be nearly impossible in a computer. As humans we can be similarly limited by the programming we have been taught. How can language describe love? It certainly has its limits and can definitely misrepresent truth. Similarly, we only perceive what is preprogrammed.

As our exploration into quantum physics deepens, we are also confronted with the fact that logic can also not be relied on as a basis for understanding our reality. How does an electron emerge in two places at once, how can follow two pathways at the same time? or no pathway and end up in a new location? Experiments have replicated these findings further embedding the idea that the foundation of reality defies logic and language.

Marianne Love