Have you ever wondered why two people can witness the same event, hear the same words, share an experience, yet still remember or interpret it in different ways? Well, could it be that we are all “sensory machines”, but we all have different programming.
In the book “Biocentrism” by author Robert Lanza, MD with Bob Berman, the point is made that reality doesn’t really exist without an observer. As biological beings, we are observers with sensory organs that receive frequencies which our sensory organs, like eyes and ears, pick up. These frequencies are interpreted by the brain through neurochemical reactions to have meaning for us. But what the meaning is comes from what we have previously experienced or learned and recorded in the neurons in the brain. For instance, if we have learned that what we know is red is actually brown, we would have a different understanding than another person. And those that are affected by colorblindness could possibly not even see the red at all.
So what does that mean? What we perceive and interpret is how we create our reality. If we perceive an event and interpret it with what programming we have, our perception of reality will be different and unique to us. Another person, with different perception abilities and life experiences will have a different perspective and a different reality. It really does seem we are all “sensory machines” with different programming and different reality.
And how can we all say a car is a car, or a dog is a dog? We have an agreed upon cultural understanding in humanity of a certain teaching that is shared as we grow up. Yet, if we speak a different language, we do not understand or perceive what the other is saying, until we learn the word or language. We add more programming and we perceive differently. So our perceptions really do create our reality.
So much to ponder and think about.
Please join us, Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts, as we share and ponder some of these amazing concepts presented in the book, Biocentrism by Robert Lanza, MD with Bob Berman, and explore life and consciousness on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at https://www.loaradionetwork.com/quantum-leap or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thequantumleapbookclub
Co-Host – Tryna Cooper – Ca’Nu’Ye
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay