I was asked what has impacted me so far from reading “The Inner Earth – The Second Tunnel.” There are several things, but one of the greatest impacts is the statement that Radu Cinamar writes about the fact that so much of science is based on theory, or assumptions. I wonder how much is actually proven, not just by mathematical equations, but by actual repetitive, hands-on proof.
Radu presents the idea that the center of the Earth is not a solid core, but a Black Hole. He also writes that the Black Hole is what has brought this planet, and all planets, into existence. Science has always taught me that the black hole has so much gravity that is draws everything in, not push creation out. What an interesting idea to ponder.
I took my grandchildren to the Museum of Nature and Science the other day, and they just happened to have a program on Black Holes showing in the planetarium. My grandchildren (12, 10, and 8) watched in wonder as the celestial masses moved above their heads and the story of Black Holes unfolded for them. At the end of the show, I was barraged with questions from the wise young ones. What was there that created the Big Bang? Into what did all the stuff the Big Bang created explode out though? What was there? How do scientists really know that the Black Holes come from exploding stars? Where does the stuff go that they suck in? And if they spew it out the other side of the Black Hole, what is on the other side?
My grandchildren were not content to take in as fact all that was presented. They asked questions, challenging most of what was presented. So that makes me ask, as adults, why should we be content in just excepting what has been taught to us? We need to ask questions, learn new ideas and concepts, and to open to ponder these ideas so we can grow in wisdom as the young wise ones.
– Co-Host Tryna Cooper