As we finish our book Beyond Biocentrism – Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death by Robert Lanza, MD with Bob Berman, we look at all the illusions we live.  What are they you ask?  And why does it matter?

The first is from the past studies of science, only looking at the physicality of the universe, instead of realizing that the universe is living and full of consciousness.   Another is that there is a separation between things, when in all reality, everything is interconnected and interrelated.

Other illusions include the ideas that time and space actually exist as real entities, when in actuality, they are just created in our minds to describe a flow of events or the measurement between things.  Also the idea that we are separate from the “out there” beyond our skin and that there is an “in here” that is me.  These are truly constructs of the mind.  Another is that everything ends with death of the body.  However, there is more and more evidence that while the body dies, the spirit or consciousness lives on.

Can you imagine how free you are to live fearlessly if you are not afraid of death or the perceptions of the world that the mind creates?

How do we move beyond the illusions?  Toss out the dead universe paradigm as well as the idea of a separate I/me.  Open to the idea of a connected, live and conscious universe and feel yourself a part of it as a co-creator of your life and world.  We are playing in a field of illusions of our creation, so let’s open to learning and experiencing more and create a world we want to live in…and beyond.

And please join Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts, as we move on to our next book A Path Though The Jungle by author Professor Steve Peters, on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at or on Facebook

Co-Host – Tryna Cooper – Ca’Nu’Ye

Image by Fae Spencer on