In chapters five and six of the book, Physics of the Soul by author Amit Goswami, Ph.D., the author covers the subjects of the idea that there’s more to the story of reincarnation than quantum nonlocality, and the question of “do we have more than one body?”.
First, he looks at some of the things that are reported by experiencers, like deathbed visions and near death and life review experiences. He makes the point that scientists are researching and collecting data on these topics. He also writes that reincarnation data actually shows up in a new life that can be verified when they go back to recent history with the reports from the previous being. Children often make statements about being another person and their experiences in that lifetime.
Next he looks at how, not just memory but also character, are stored and transmitted. Is memory really stored in the brain? Or is memory stored in some other fashion, like in a quantum monad of consciousness? Also, how did phobias in this lifetime relate to a past life that shows up in regression therapy or hypnotherapy. The author suggests that there may be something that’s carried over from a previous lifetime that needs to be dealt with in this lifetime.
Edgar Cayce was one of the mediums, channels or historical people who looked into this other world in their readings. Cayce stepped from this particular lifetime into what is called the Akasha or stored memory or information of others. Akasha memory is non-local memory, it isn’t necessarily linked to a body at this point in time. A more tangible explanation in terms of this idea is that there is this nonlocal window we step through when we’re channeling or we’re bringing through information that takes us into this field of consciousness. This allows us to be able to bring in information or data connected with disincarnate entities, souls, ghosts, whatever you want to call them, possibly even angels, or guides.
All of these concepts are all things that we’re looking at right now, and the question is, how do we do this?
Well, the author introduces this idea of having more than one body. We have our physical body. We have what he calls a vital body, or in some cases people might call it in etheric body, where our feelings are stored. We also have a mental body where thoughts or understandings are stored. Memories could be stored here as well as the brain. And then we have a what he’s calling a supramental intellect, which is connected in with this higher realm of all possibilities. And then a layer of bliss, complete limitlessness, and you might call it nirvana or heaven.
These all connected in some way with the physical body being manifested here in the 3D. The physical body is structure. Then, there are bodies that are more like formation, which form feelings and thoughts, which are the vital body and this mental body. We form these ideas, we form these feelings, or we capture them and save them in memory. There’s also the creative process where we really dip into this field of possibilities, before they ever become a probability in the supramental. Finally, there’s pure thought for the One in Bliss. So, the author is basically writing about five bodies of consciousness in this case. and so, we have our physical, our emotional, our mental, the supramental, and this bliss state of being completely melded with the One, the mind of God. Many people report these in experiences, but I would invite you to explore this book, chapters five and six, particularly if you want to have some new ideas to ponder. It’s fascinating.
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