Many people blame their lives on the past, on an event or failure or on the “What if’s”. They actually give up control of their lives to the past. One section of the book The Courage To Be Disliked, by authors Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga deals with the idea of how to live without being controlled by the past.
What if you could live without being controlled by the past? So many people say things like, “If only this hadn’t happened”, or “If I had just done this then…” Or they blame a situation or another person, always looking outside of themselves to place the blame. The truth is that they are stuck in the past, being controlled by the past. The truth is that you cannot change the past, but how you work with it, how you learn from it, how you move forward is up to you.
If you believe and state that your life is all a result of your past, and you are stuck or controlled by it, you are determining your future based on the past, and nothing will change. Look at how some people rise above past situations and become stronger and how some just choose to live in the past and stay stuck where they are. The authors make the point in the discussion from the philosopher, “Regardless of what may have happened in the past, it is the meaning that is attributed to it that determines the way someone’s present will be.”
So how do you live without being controlled by the past? You must become aware when you begin to blame the past and look at how you can move forward in the present. You must find a meaning, a lesson, or the determination that you create in your life moving forward. You bless the past for getting you to where you are today with its many lessons, challenges and opportunities. You give yourself the courage to dislike that way of being. You give yourself the courage and permission to change. You love yourself and give yourself the courage to create the life you want.
I am not saying it will be easy, but as I have learned, we all have the power to change, and to love ourselves just as we are as we move forward.
I invite you love yourself and to have the courage to change, and learn more with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at or on Facebook
Co-Host – Tryna Cooper – Ca’Nu’Ye
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay