How do we figure out the universe? You may say science.  Well, that is partly true, but much is spent in contemplation and working with consciousness. Science itself spends its time looking through observation, experimentation and the testing of theories. In this book, The Grand Biocentric Design – How Life Creates Reality by Robert Lanza, MD and Matej Pavsic with Bob Berman, we’re going to be looking at some other concepts, and mainly consciousness.

Science is moving so quickly. Some people think it’s good, some think it is not so good. Surveys find that people nowadays don’t have the basic scientific knowledge that’s needed, and they certainly don’t use critical thinking. That skill is being lost.  Many don’t question.  They just accept as fact or truth what others say.

So, this chapter speaks to the fact that science is very self-regulating in how it looks at things, questions things, and as it develops and comes up with new proven ideas, it will expand what it what is going on. However, this can be a super slow path, and sometimes, if the idea is a little too far out there, science just doesn’t even notice it, and it pushes it aside. Sometimes things are taken for granted, like air, and maybe consciousness. It’s around us all the time. We just don’t even notice it, and so science really hasn’t noticed it either.

Science believes that knowledge is an essential condition, and our perception is how we acquire that knowledge. But how is it acquired and stored? Human consciousness is the root of this.

So, this book takes a look at the heart of biocentrism, that consciousness creates. When we look at the neuroscience, we can look at the brain and say what’s going on in the brain, but how does consciousness come out of matter in the first place? Or maybe the idea is that consciousness created the matter. Now, we don’t observe, we create.

Science moves, first, with concepts where people want to know “what’s in it for me.”  Then, second, they want to know about the world. And, third, anything a little outside the box, they don’t necessarily want to take a look at.

So again, we want to look at consciousness in this book. It’s laid out with all these ideas about how life and consciousness create the universe.  So, stay open and use your critical thinking skills.

We’d love for you to explore with us and learn about the theory of Biocentrism with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at or on Facebook

Co-Host – Tryna Cooper – Ca’Nu’Ye

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay