Creative dying brings up many thoughts, but I want to write about the ideas in Chapter 10 in the book, Physics of the Soul by author Amit Goswami, Ph.D. What is it? How could it help?
The author writes about creative dying as the process of being fully conscious and creative in the dying process. He even introduces us to death yoga, which offers us practices to use to die, yet even to live. He offers the idea that death gives us the opportunity to be liberated, or at least, to communicate via our non local window (out of space and time), or ability to step out of body into another realm of being, with our entire string of reincarnations. This brings about a paradigm shift for many of us in the way to view living and dying.
First I want to share with you that from the moment of birth, we are moving toward dying. That could be a depressing thought, or it could be quite liberating. He gives an example of a disciple who is given a secret, that he is going to die in a week. The disciple lived quite differently during that week, cleaning up his act, loving more, meditating more, appreciating more. What would you do if you knew you would die in a week? Would you change what you are doing, how you are acting, how you are loving and relating? Would you create love and caring?
That is one way creative dying works. Instead of focusing on negatives, fears, and anger, you can turn yourself around and live by thinking and doing in a way that brings forth all the love and creativity you have during your lifetime.
Another idea he shares is that there is a death yoga, or three Tibetan practices, to better prepare yourself, and to live greater. The first, the death prayer (devotion), is creating a mantra for yourself with the archetype of your tradition (like God, Source, Creator or your own) as the centerpiece of your prayer, and repeat it at all conscious moments during the day. It can be a word or a phrase like his example, “God, I surrender to you.” The second practice is perfect sacrifice (virtue in action) where you embrace the pain and suffering of others and offer back joy and love. The third is effortless contemplation (wisdom/inquiry) by using the mind to transcend the mind in the focused present moment, without allowing distraction. These are all practices to use in your life.
And finally, he invites us to look at reincarnation and our journey in life as a way for Source to individualize as souls with specific “themes” for lives to live, learn, and creatively express. I think if we look at life as an opportunity to constantly create and express, and death as the liberation from the body to step through the non local window, out of space and time, and to choose what to do next, it can liberate us in life to live bigger, creatively dying in death and in our life.
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