When you think of yourself, do you consider yourself a chimp, a human, or a computer? The book A Path through the Jungle by author Prof Steve Peters does explain the concept that we really are all three. The chimp is the innate, emotional, reactive and insecure piece of ourself. The human is the rational, logical, stable, planning piece of ourself. The computer is the “programmed” piece of ourself built on beliefs and experiences; and it can be programmed by the chimp or the human.
These pieces can all work together for the best outcomes, but the human must be developed, and the computer must be programmed so that the chimp does not run wild. The chimp piece is quick to recognize a problem and can react quickly and emotionally to try to protect us and make us feel secure. Think about a small child and how they react. It is the animal instinct in each one of us. Sometimes, though, the reaction is not the best way to act. The human piece must be developed to add a rational response or to be able to work through a problem to find a solution and reassure the chimp. The human piece must also look at the beliefs and the understanding of experiences so that computer can advise the chimp and relay a beneficial response.
To create robustness and resilience within each of us, we must learn to understand our chimp, our emotions and reactions. We must also learn about how the brain works and how to develop ourselves. We must also look at the beliefs and truths we have programmed in our minds to see if they really serve us. The more we learn about ourselves, the more we can create a joyful, healthy, creative life. Chimp? Human? Computer? So it turns out we are a bit of all three.
Please join us, Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts, as we move on to continue to explore and learn about ourselves and how we can create a better world on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at https://www.loaradionetwork.com/quantum-leap or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thequantumleapbookclub
Co-Host – Tryna Cooper – Ca’Nu’Ye
Image by Josie Lapczynski from Pixabay