Why did they stop drilling and what has this got to do with changing the theory of the Earths make up?

This question is in relation to the work in Russia where they drilled the deepest hole that modern science knows.  Known as the Kola Superdeep Borehole, the deepest hole ever dug, just 9 inches in diameter, reaches approximately 7.5 miles below the Earth’s surface (or 12,262 meters), a depth that took about 20 years to reach and is only half the distance or less to the mantle.

A little background first.  We have been looking at science and what makes up a theory and also what is the driving force for scientists, and others, to step outside of what is known and accepted and to present totally different theories.

I’m looking through history with western science we can see that those who suggested things that were not in alignment with the common thinking of the religious order or politics of the day would denounced. There have been however wonderful advances in science since this time. As mentioned earlier this is often by those who I marginalised by sites when their ideas at first to present it.

Right now this post looks at how do we replace a current theory with a new one?
Sounds easy, sounds like what science was set up for but…..
here’s the accepted theory ‘the centre of the Earth has a solid core surrounded by a molten larva then the crust. Molten means liquid and in this case it’s perceived to be a very thick liquid (molten rock).


We understand that this theory is based on the work by a person called Cavendish around 400 years ago and he used lead balls too represent the Earth and make conclusions from this about the Earth including its mass and its density. Since this time many people in science have continue this as the correct theory. The modern scientific evidence for this theory is the behaviour of seismic waves.

What is a seismic wave ?
Here is an abbreviated definition from Wikipedia (and it’s in alignment with the scientific papers).
Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through Earth’s layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, magma movement, large landslides and large man-made explosions that give out low-frequency acoustic energy. Seismic waves are studied by geophysicists called seismologists. Seismic wave fields are recorded by a seismometer, hydrophone (in water), or accelerometer.
The velocity of seismic waves depends on density and elasticity of what it is travelling through as well as the type of wave. Velocity tends to increase with depth through Earth’s crust and mantle, but drops sharply going from the mantle to outer core. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seismic_wave see also a great definition with graphics in: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/340-seismic-waves

But what’s in the hole
Deep boreholes by Russians and Germans found that what’s predicted by the current theory, in terms of density and the type of matter as well as temperature, is not supported by what they found when actually digging in into the Earth, and this is when only reaching 12km.

For one the temperature was far greater than predicted in certain places and then it was fun to be cooler deeper in parts of the bore hole.

“The hole was intended to go “as deep as possible,” which researches expected to be around 9 miles (that’s ~14,500 meters). But the scientists and engineers were forced to give up when they hit unexpectedly high temperatures. At 7.5 miles below the surface, the 2.7 billion year old rocks there at temperatures of around 180 degrees Celsius (or a scorching 356 degrees Fahrenheit). This was almost twice as hot as they’d predicted.” http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2014/05/08/kola_superdeep_borehole_is_the_world_s_deepest_hole.html


Surprisingly they were also finding of water freshwater many kilometres deep as well as a continuation of rock where they had expected a change in rock type.

Interesting also that there was a finding that the rocks became less dense deeper damn whereas the theory had been that the density would increase. The decreased density was described as being caused by heating and cooling.

In the Russian borehole fossils of algae were found many kilometres deep yet there is little written about this amazing finding Ann just assumptions that the landmass has built up over these areas that were once on the surface. This however has not been taken any further .

When the digging was halted for a short time and scientists invited from around the world to look at the rocks from deep and work on these it coincided with the time over release of a sensational set of articles saying that the Russian borehole had reached hell and the screams of the people could be heard coming out of the hole. Looking back through the records it was found that this indeed did hit the headlines of papers and there were many who had a full belief in this as an actuality.

The digging did not recommence.

It was said because the material that had been met in the shaft was too hot for the equipment and it was melting. With modern technology it would be possible to create equipment that is robust to the temperatures that were experienced.

It may be however not just a situation of heat but one that we are experiencing while reading the book that we’re getting a moving from the material plane into the subtle plane with a different vibration and frequency such that the implements from the material world do not work in the more subtle planes.

So how do we change a theory?
1) Be open to alternatives.
2) Be ready to talk about them, ask questions, look from a place where there is not a preconceived answer.
3) Look again at the evidence and ask could there be other reasons for what is being observed.
4) Listen to the stories and teaching from other cultures – allow yourself to give other ideas space in your thoughts.
5) Give yourself space form those who criticise (while you’re in the formation of ideas time) then come back when you have some sense as it can be through the challenges of others that we bring conviction to our thoughts.
6) Question what is taught at schools – remind that while a ‘theory’ is an accepted idea it doesn’t mean it is how it is.
7) Suggest a new hypothesis (idea) and allow the observations, measurements, stories be there and see if they align with it.
8) As it lines up then there is a new theory.

Plus remember we see and experience what we expect and this does influence what we see and experience so there is a cycle of feedback of thoughts and feelings to matter.

A good place to ask: What reference is a theory anyway?

Well understanding the principles of the Universe do assist in our interactions with it and it with us so that’s a great reason to be open, observe, learn, apply, share, repeat.

See also: There’s a portal to the centre of the Earth in the wreckage of an abandoned project site in Murmansk, Russia. What’s it for? And why is the Internet Googling “Kola Superdeep Borehole screams?” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-deep-is-the-deepest-hole-in-the-world/