In our current book Quantum Leap Book Club is focusing on, “The Four Agreements”, I was interested in the expanded view of FREEDOM. Our author, Don Miguel Ruiz in chapter 6 challenges the reader to determine what freedom means personally to each of us. We can describe our interpretation in terms of outside forces – the government, the weather, our financial status. A path to personal freedom might include the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. We can describe our interpretation of freedom to include a wide range. Are we seeking freedom from, freedom to do, freedom to be?

I invite you to explore the answers to some of these questions for yourself. I believe it is important to be aware of what “FREEDOM” includes for you. There are critical changes happening in our world as we all know. To know what we consider freedom can make a big difference on what we stand for, what we are willing to accept and what we are willing to fight for. Quality of life is involved not only for ourselves but for all the future generations.

 Joyce Mollenhauer/Ukte’na

 I am privileged to be a co-host on a fun, interesting, and life changing radio show called Quantum Leap Book Club. We focus on books that celebrate the incredible expansion and changes in Consciousness in our world.

I invite you to listen in every night at 8pm PT online on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network. ( or catch archived shows.

If you have an interest in making changes in your life, please take a listen and let us know what you think!