The current book we are discussing on Quantum Leap Book Club is “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani. Anita in her prologue gives us the foundation for everything she shares in the remainder of this powerful breath-taking book. Her near-death experience is described in such detail, that the reader almost feels the experience is happening to you. She is profound in how she shares her experience. She is aware her organs have shut down. Yet her perception is that she is finally healed as she has no pain and no fear. She is in a state of pure joy and jubilation. She cannot understand why she has no voice to speak her thoughts to Danny and her Mom as she is experiencing their pain and desperately wants to reassure them. She is aware of Danny’s strong statement that he is not giving up on her when the doctor has stated it is only a matter of a few hours before she is dead. Anita finds herself pulled away to a bigger picture where everything is perfect in the greater tapestry of life. Anita had a sense of being encompassed by pure unconditional LOVE and felt like she belonged and had “finally come home”. She felt completely bathed and renewed in the energy she was experiencing. As the reader moves further in this book, we learn how Anita returns to life as a healthy individual and the unfolding of the impact on her current approach to the privilege of being alive.
Dr. Joyce Mollenhauer, ND, BSN, RN, Nurse Coach
I am privileged to be a co-host on a fun, interesting, and life-changing radio show called Quantum Leap Book Club, a program of The Learning Center For Human Development. We focus on books that celebrate the incredible expansion and changes in Consciousness in our world.( or catch archived shows If you have an interest in making changes in your life, please take a listen and let us know what you think!.