Quntum Leap Book Club is currently enjoying “The Secret Language of the Heart” by Barry Goldstein.
Chapter 5, titled “Music: The Bridge to Re-tuning Emotions” starts with Barry using variations of the word “tuning” to discuss how music is the bridge to “retuning” emotions.
He shares his own experience of being influenced by his parent’s belief that music is a nice hobby but not a way to sustain himself financially. He describes being “out of tune” as a reference to the influence he accepted of limited beliefs. When he determined to “retune” his thinking about making a living creating music, and put consistent effort into his goal, his life was transformed.
Barry shares his belief that at birth we are connected and “tuned” to elevated emotions of love, appreciation, gratitude and worthiness. Life events cause us to become “de-tuned” from our birth blueprint. Just like the piano, we grow accustomed to not being “tuned” properly. It becomes comfortable and we forget our true potential or our optimal “tuning”. To succeed with “retuning” and to maintain without falling back into old patterns and limited beliefs, Barry encourages us to implement songs daily to keep us “in tune” To be present, feeling and becoming the emotion in the song, use music consistently as a daily tool.
Music acts as a time machine to specific emotional memories and ignites positive emotions in our heart’s electromagnetic field. Music can be a lifeline – a life-sparking bridge to transform us. Repeated practice adds additional layers of happy or joyful emotional memories and it will become easier and easier to reconnect anytime you feel unhappy, disconnected, or out of touch. Music is a journey that is a pleasant and powerful tool to transform our lives in a direction that is rewarding to us. I encourage the reader of this post to share our enjoyment of this amazing book Dr. Joyce Mollenhauer, ND, BSN, RN, Nurse CoachI am privileged to be a co-host on a fun, interesting, and life-changing radio show called Quantum Leap Book Club, a program of The Learning Center For Human Development. We focus on books that celebrate the incredible expansion and changes in Consciousness in our world. (https://www.loaradionetwork.com/quantum-leap) or catch archived shows. If you have an interest in making changes in your life, please take a listen and let us know what you think!