Law of Attraction radio show with Quantum Leap Book Club has completed a discussion about the excellent book by Barry Goldstein called “The Secret Language of the Heart”. During our final show, Barry Goldstein was interviewed by Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha. This was a grand finale for our discussions in the last several weeks and included an original composition he created and performed at the completion of the interview.

A key point for me in this book was the awareness of inner music existing within each person with our heartbeat, our breath, and our sighs. Barry teaches us variations of exercises to choose from and gain benefit by using as daily practices. The importance stressed in the book is the fact that it is up to the individual to access the value of our inner music. I recognize a tendency for many people to let their bodies do their own thing. It is vital that we recognize our role and responsibility to access our inner music.  I am inspired by the idea of developing unique playlists related to the individual and the concept that these playlists can be revised occasionally. He gives amazing details on the most effective way to create a unique playlist and even provides samples to try out in the process of developing your own. Barry stresses the importance and value of moving past the listening experience with one’s analytical mind and tapping into the intuitive heart. This can lead to the outcome of becoming more compassionate with self and others as well as the world. Music has been scientifically proven to open the listener to emotions and develop awareness of self. The value and outcome are beyond words.

 Dr. Joyce Mollenhauer, ND, BSN, RN, Nurse Coach I am privileged to be a co-host on a fun, interesting, and life-changing radio show called Quantum Leap Book Club, a program of The Learning Center For Human Development.  We focus on books that celebrate the incredible expansion and changes in Consciousness in our world.

 ( or catch archived shows. If you are interested in making changes in your life, please listen and let us know what you think!.