What if you woke up tomorrow with a new perspective on life and living? What if when you went to bed tonight, in the in-between state of awake and asleep, you actually told yourself that you are shifting to a new perspective on life and living where you totally love yourself and you see all in life as a reflection of that love? In the book, Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani, Chapters Seven through Nine, the Anita shares with us her near-death experience and that when she came back from the experience, she saw herself as love and the world fresh and brand new! She almost died to find this new self and this new perspective on the world, but she is telling us, we just need to open to this and accept this is who we are. No drama. No dying. Just opening and accepting.
Can you imagine how you would feel if you woke up and the shift had occurred? How would it feel to just love yourself for who you are, a divine being full of love? Yes, there probably have been trials, challenges or maybe what you view as mis-takes. Anita tells us that beating ourselves up for those mis-takes are what creates dis-ease in ourselves. We create our own pain with what we think about ourselves. If you just appreciate the lessons in the experience, decide not to do it again, and love yourself so much to embrace the lesson and how it has made you a greater, wiser and loving person, you eliminate the pain and dis-ease. It is not so much magic as it is just the way it works. Love yourself for the amazing being you are! Just wake up, leave the old you and the old perspectives of the world behind, be alive and embrace the fresh new start, a bright and beautiful you and world! And, again I ask, can you imagine what each of us would be like, or what the world would be like, if we just lived from this greater perception, knowing, and unconditional love?
I invite you to learn more of how to embrace a new you with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, me and the other international co-hosts, as we share the book Dying to Be Me on Quantum Leap Book Club on Law of Attraction Radio Network at https://www.loaradionetwork.com/quantum-leap or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thequantumleapbookclub
Co-Host – Tryna Cooper
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay