by Tryna Giordano Cooper | Jun 17, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
Image by Ivilin Stoyanov from Pixabay I have been thinking about what stood out for me from the book Inside The Earth – The Second Tunnel by Radu Cinemar and there are several things that come to mind. First, Radu gave the us the information that this is based on true...
by Tryna Giordano Cooper | May 14, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
Have you ever traveled, especially outside the country you live in, and found yourself standing high on a hill or a mountain looking over the vast landscape or valley in front of you? Have you ever stood there and wondered about the people or what life is like in this...
by Tryna Giordano Cooper | May 12, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
In reading Inside the Earth – The Second Tunnel, and after lively discussions with host Parisha Taylor, I found myself thinking about several different issues discussed on page 113. The author, Radu Cinamar, writes about the trips that Cesar has taken into the tunnels...
by Geraldene Dalby-Ball | May 12, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog
I was with my Dad today and had to leave for a little while on another task and left him with my book Inside the Earth the Second Tunnel by Radu Cinamar. My father is an avid reader and considered by those who know him as highly intelligent not only from the breadth...
by Tryna Giordano Cooper | May 5, 2021 | Quantum Leap Book Club Blog, Uncategorized
While finishing up the second chapter of Inside The Earth – The Second Tunnel, I realized how the author, Radu Cinemar, keeps circling around the issue of a hollow Earth and all of the scientific teachings that speak to the Earth as solid, pointing out how each...