Reading The Gratitude Effect by Dr. John de Martini. A key part of what I’m reading right now is the chapter onĀ  Wealth, and as he said is wealth is a definition. Money is absolutely part of it. So in other parts of the book, there’s appreciation of health and family and who you are, and this bit specifically is talking about the creation of wealth and in reference also to business, which I love, but it’s not exclusively to business. So if you don’t run a business, if you work or if you, whatever it is, however you make money, the key thing that he’s saying is it’s an attitude. Wealth is an attitude.

So , these things when you’re speaking them to somebody else, make you have to reflect, am I thinking wealthy? Do I act like a wealthy person? Do I even know what a wealthy person is? Do I say there’s such a diversity of wealthy people that you know, you could act completely like a t-shirt and shorts and, you know, nothing fancy in a very ordinary car and be very wealthy monetarily. Or you can dress, walk, talk, have a car, all those things that are displays of wealth. This, however, is talking about the attitude of wealth. So if you were somewhere and you met a person and then someone said to you, do you think they’re wealthy?

Without it necessarily having to do with what they’ve told you. Would you be able to pick up what you personally associate with wealthy people? One thing I found is that wealthy people have clean spaces. That’s generalization. That’s true for me. When I go in their cars, they’re empty of clutter and stuff, and they’re clean and neat when I go to their homes. Now, you may say this is because they pay people to do it. It’s not necessarily true. There’s a way that I know that there’s an importance. Wealthy people place on organization and lack of clutter, a place for everything and everything in its place.

We could link that to wealth principles as well. Right now it’s just to say, There are certain attributes that I associate with wealthy people. So ask yourself, get a piece of paper, write it down, or speak it into your phone however you do it. Capture what do you associate as characteristics of wealthy people, so it doesn’t mean what they’ve physically got.

The idea also is if you have an aversion to wealthy people and their characteristics. If you’re going to write…” they pompous or they’re this, or they’re that then this exercise isn’t quite for you that yet. The aim is to find something that you could admire in the characteristics of a wealthy person, something you could copy (and still be you).

It might be that the wealthy people, you know, donate. Maybe they donate and they don’t tell you about it. Maybe they assist in fundraisers, maybe they speak about things. And remember, also look at your definition of wealth, because really a wealthy person can be anyone. Anyone full stop. But if we’re talking about physical material goods, it could even be the fact of having a roof over your head and three definite meals a day.

Whatever you deem as the next level of wealth that you are going for, where are those people at? What are they doing? How are they thinking, speaking, planning? What are their habits? Find as much as you know, because the next step is to start having that mindset. It includes the words that we use rather than using the phrase “It’s too expensive”, as this is reiterating you don’t have enough money for it. You could either say it’s not my priority right now. Make it be true for you. And there’s obviously other things you’re spending on your money than the new Porsche. Um, but you’re welcome to look at it and have an imaginings of it, if that’s what you like.

And there’s also, it’s not reasonably priced. Now, this is when you see an item that has a, whatever price it may be, that is seemingly more than what it’s worth. So is it just an inflated markup that’s not linked to the whole life cycle of the good and appreciating what it cost really is. I’m not saying buy things cheap, but look to see if it’s reasonable.

So there’s a couple of things that you can do from this chapter. JustĀ  a tiny first couple of pages. Look at your attitude towards wealth. Look at your attitude as yourself as a wealthy person. Identify the next level of wealth you feel you could be, and then go a little bit more, at least a bit. Have a stretch goal.

And see how those people live, talk, act, walk, invest, whatever it might be, and see if there’s something that stands out for you because as we said, there’s diversity in people, but there will be something you associate with those people and become it stay true to you. But bring upon those characteristics that you associate with that next level of wealth and watch your words, they have power. Wonderful if you join us Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha and the international co-host, including myself, Elaway from Sydney, Australia on Quantum Lake Book Club, you’ll also find us on the Consciousness Unlimited Blog talk radio.


All the best


Elaway Dalby-Ball

[email protected]