The book titled “The Gratitude Effect” is the current focus of Quantum Leap Book Club. The author Dr. John Demartini offers his readers very practical and enlightening information on getting the greatest mileage towards self-transformation using the power of gratitude.

Chapter 6 is titled “There’s no place like home”. This chapter starts off with a quote of Mother Theresa which reminds us that when we are busy judging ourselves, others and our world, there is no time to appreciate or experience love. Our author also reminds us that any demands we make of another person to change is futile. A bottom line to remember is that “all human beings want to be loved and appreciated for who they are.”

This leads to a discussion on the importance of identifying your values and becoming aware of the values of others. The dictionary defines “values” as individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. Values serve as a guide for human behavior and people tend to believe one’s values are “right” in comparison to others. One article on the web lists 125 values.

 I recognized as I studied this chapter that the first step for any of us is to identify what values are important personally and to perhaps measure how we apply such values to our daily lives. “What matters to us individually?” is a question to ask in our search for what values impact how we live day by day.  Linking genuine feelings of gratitude with what matters to us can bring more of what we desire.

 Dr. Joyce Mollenhauer, ND, BSN, RN, Nurse Coach

I am privileged to be a co-host on a fun, interesting, and life changing radio show called Quantum Leap Book Club, a program of The Learning Center For Human Development.  We focus on books that celebrate the incredible expansion and changes in Consciousness in our world.
